Thursday, March 3, 2016

Nigerian Pharmacy Students in North Cyprus meets T.R.N.C Health Minister and others on...

"Over the holiday, the leadership of NAPS had series of meetings with the deans faculties of pharmacies on the island to discuss issues concerning Nigerian Pharmacy Students on the Island.
On the 2nd February, 2016, NAPS took a bold step by holding a joint meeting with the Eastern Mediterranean University authority through the office of the Vice Rector International and Promotional Affairs Prof. Hasan Amca to present her request, present at the meeting were the Dean Faculty of Pharmacy EMU, Prof. Mustafa Fethi Sahin, NANS Turkish Zone President, Comrade Salim Hamza Ringim, NAPS National President, Fredrick Edeh, NAPS EMU President, Ajiboro Temitope, other at the meeting were Ozioma Ezeofor, Ethel Eleto and Jack Sambe.
NAPS National President presented the following agendas;
  1. Pharmacists Council of Nigeria be invited to the island in other to inspect our facilities, curriculum and collaborate with the Pharmacy regulatory body of North Cyprus to enable our students practice efficiently in Nigeria with been subjected to undue treatments.
  2. Nigerian Pharmacy students be given Turkish Cypriot licensing exams to be converted into the Nigerian license upon arrival in Nigeria to avoid complications of taking the Nigerian Licensing Exams.
  3. The University to sponsor Nigerian Pharmacy students to participate in the forthcoming International Pharmaceutical Students Federation African Pharmaceutical Symposium in Mombasa, Kenya in June.
Our requests received positive response as the Vice Rector responded by requesting letters to this proposals. And the Dean booked an appointment immediately with the Cyprus Minister of Health to discuss the licensing exams procedures, terms and conditions.
On the 1st of March, 2016, the Dean Faculty of Pharmacy, Rector's office Representative, NAPS Officials visited Cyprus Ministry of Health to discuss modalities, terms and conditions of the licensing exams with the Minister of Health Dr. Omer Gur Mustesar and Cypriot Pharmaceutical regulatory body. The meeting yielded positive response as the minister, after brief deliberations with the Pharmaceutical regulatory body insisted that license are not allowed for foreign graduates, but with help from the Dean, NAPS officials explained to the Minister that the license can be inactive in Cyprus while active in Nigeria so it can be converted in Nigeria. More detailed explanations and discussion on PCN visit and licensing exams will be done in an expanded exco meeting/congress that will be called by NAPS EMU as decisions will be taken on some issues.

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