Monday, November 30, 2015

Handover in EMU Student Council

Handover in EMU Student Council
Following the completion of the Student Council elections in Eastern Mediterranean University, a handover ceremony took place at the Social and Cultural Activities Directorate. During the ceremony at which Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ahmet Sözen and Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Hıfsiye Pulhan, deans, department chairs, academic staff members and students were present, former student council members were presented plaques of appreciation and new members were introduced to public.
In her address during the ceremony, Prof. Dr. Pulhan stressed the importance of being a student in EMU and extended her gratitude and appreciation to former council members. Prof. Dr. Pulhan also extended her best wishes to new council members.
Former Student Council Chair İbrahim Öztürk also delivered a speech and stated that during their service, they spent considerable amount of time for the university’s promotion. Öztürk also stated their pride and pleasure in serving EMU. At the end of his speech, Öztürk wish the new council members every success in their new posts.
In his address, chair of the new Student Council Melih Yıldırım stated that they are well-aware of the responsibility they undertook and will do their best to fulfill their duties and responsibilities. Putting forth that the new administration is formed by quality and strong members, Yıldırım added that the new team will put their signature on important achievements. Following the addresses, Prof. Dr. Pulhan and Prof. Dr. Sözen presented former members of the Student Council plaques of appreciation.
Names of the members of the 2015 – 2016 Academic Year Student Council are as follows: Melih Yıldırım (Chair), Yusuf Göçer (Vice Chair), Semrah Hüseyinov (General Secretary), Atakan Songurlu (Financial Affairs), Mustafa M. R. Faeq Alqaisi (member), Umut Kızılışık (member), Alan Khalil (member), Emmanuel Kayode Olorunnishola (member), Antoun Alhawawini (member), Esham Ali (member), Hüseyin Ensar Doğan (member), Keishid Abtahi (member), Ömer Can Özkan (member) and Alibek Abdulkhamidov (member).
Source: EMU News

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