Saturday, November 28, 2015

NANS TRZone Pre-Convention

The National Association of Nigerian Students Turkish Zone {NANS TRZone} held its 1st Pre-Convention on 28th November, 2015 at Girne American University, Girne North Cyprus.
The Pre convention was necessary in preparation for the forth coming Annual Convention to elect new leadership of Nans TRzone which is the umbrella body covering all Nigerian Students Studying in North Cyprus and Turkey.


The pre convention which had 5 delegates each from participating tertiary institutions in North Cyprus (GAU, EMU, CIU, EUL, NEU etc) was chaired by the NANS TRzone Senate President (Comr. Salim Hamza Ringim).

Agenda for the Pre convention were as follows:
1. Secretariat Report
2. State of NANS Turkish Zone
3. State of our Nation (Nigeria)
4. Setting election bylaws
5. A.O.B

The agenda was successfully exhausted and Bylaws for the next annual election set, which will be made public by the association via her social media platforms.

The Date for the Annual Convention was fixed for 12/12/2015 @ Near East University Lefkoşa.


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